Online Test Series Platform Features

Visit & Intro

Which Courses do you teach?

How Much Students ?

Weekly Test ?

How do you take weekly TEST ?

Problem Associated with Old Methods

  • Make Test Papers
  • Conduct Exam Offline
  • Manual Paper Check
  • Publish Result
  • Slow Process
  • Time Consuming


We can Develope Your Own Test Platform With Your Name

Features of The Platform

  • We will Develope Your Own Test Platform with your “NAME”
  • Only Make Test Papers
  • Conduct Exam Online
  • Automatic Paper Check & Results
  • Govt. Exam Like Dashboard
  • Students can see Analytics and Time Spent
  • Real Exam Experience with Time management

Benefits of The Platform

  • No Extra Work
  • Only Make Test Papers
  • Your Coaching will go Online
  • Personal Branding
  • Passive Income

Demo of The Platform


Doubt & Follow Up

Thank You